Friday, July 15, 2011

Mr Ronald Weasley

Ronald Bilius Weasley, well known as Ron Weasley, potrayed by Rupert Grint. One of Harry Potter's sidekick and Hermione Granger's husband. Sixth son of Arthur and Molly Weasley, younger brother of Bill, Charlie, Percy and the twins Fred and George. After the battle of Hogwarts he becomes Harry Potter's brother-in-law as his younger sister, Ginny Weasley marry Harry Potter.

I will not tell you about Harry Potter either its book or the film series itself, it has been a little too confusing to me to understand the whole story and its stuffs. I just want to let you guys know my madness of this red-haired man, Rupert Alexander Lloyd Grint.

Start from the basic things, he was born in Essex, England, August 24, 1988, now in 2011 he will turnin 23 years old. Fyi, his birthday is only 3 days after mine, August 21. He is comin from a big family, the oldest brother of James Grint, Charlotte Grint, Georgina and Samantha Grint. I dont know exactly how he started his career but I think it was all begin from Harry Potter. He sent a video of him acting like his drama teacher while performing some rap, "Hello there, my name is Rupert Grint. I hope you like this and dont think I stink" (I actually always imagine how he was like and cannot stop laughing everytime I imagine it all over again). He was called for the next round of the national audition and felt very much confident about how he looks like as he knew he is really looks like Ronald Weasley. Then he gone wrong, he found that everybody got their hair red just like him in waiting room. Dont know how he got the role, but its really change his life entirely.

His dream job was to be an Ice-cream man, thats why he bought himself an Ice-cream van using his earnings from Harry Potter. What a cute job!

Now, back to my madness of this big calm man. Well, I used to be not to watched Harry Potter back in 2001 when it was really hip. I watched it at home by pirated VCD my father bought for me and my brother. First opinion was, "What the hell this film is? Why is it so dark? I am not able to watch it clearly. I dont even get the story." But, yeah I keep watching it until the 2nd film came out.

I was on 9th grade when I watched Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire at my friend's crib. My friends were sleeping that time, but I wasnt. I pretty much enjoyed it. My first impression was, okay honestly, Cedric Diggory ! At the moment I become fan of Harry Potter, but not massive fan.

Well, Rupert Grint. Oh my Goodness I almost forget him. I dont know exactly when I was really obsessed with him. It just goes around, fantastic.Perhaps it was coming since I watched Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows part 1, I was being alone at the theathre that time. I challenged myself to watch it by myself as I know all of my friends already watch it. I almost ran in to the full-seated studio and was sitting next to a bunch of teenagers. I am telling you guys, it was awkward when I heard one of them asking, "is this the evil? Voldemort, huh?" then another one telling her the beginning of the story (mostly tells about Voldi) quite loudly, OMG annoying girls.

What makes me in love so much to Rupert Grint is the fact that he looked, idk, whether he was cool or just charming on every single sleeping scenes. Btw, I kinda remember that Ron was always on green T-shirt like all the time filming sleeping scenes. Well, it extremely makes no sense but just lemme know if theres anyone like me? (hivi!). It becomes huge when I am waiting for the latest film of the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. Every chat I did with my friend was mostly about Ron Weasley, Rupert Grint, sleeping scenes, his lovelife to Hermione Granger and so on. Okay, I think I've boring my friend with those cheesy conversations knowing that I used to always like shouting on the text expressing how much I obsessed with him.

I am still quite wanting him to come to my reality, no matter just to be friend or maybe husband. Okay, the last thing was to little too extreme. But I swear, I got so many crazy dreams we might be do if we really makes it to get married (0.00004% possibility to come over to England and meet him, 0.0000000001% possibility to be friend, 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% possibility to be couple for real and uncounted possibility to be married). I am gonna stop hoping for such an unreasonable dream, I will but I dont know when, lol.

I took infos from many source but mostly from RGN.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

The Kartas

Keluarga emang sekumpulan orang yang akan selalu ada buat kita. Ga peduli seburuk apapun kita, pada akhirnya keluarga akan tetap bersatu demi sesuatu yang mengarah pada kebaikan

Manusia pada hakikatnya emang berasal dari satu pasangan, yaitu Nabi Adam AS dan Hawa. Keturunan-keturunan mereka yang saling menikah akhirnya terus mengalami perbanyakan, sampe akhirnya pertalian saudara semakin pageujeut hari demi hari. Karena itu, gue yakin dan percaya bahwa sebenarnya gue masih terkait dengan keluarga kerajaan, dimanapun itu. Dan dengan ke-sok-tahuan gue pula, gue menyimpulkan bahwa kemungkinan generasi ke-263 sebelum generasi gue lahir, anggota keluarga gue adalah seorang pria Spanyol yang tampan yang jatuh cinta sama perempuan seksi asal Itali. Karena jodoh di tangan Tuhan, akhirnya keturan si bule Spanyol-Itali itu-pun malah berjodoh dengan suku asli Indonesia (yang dalam bayangan gue warna kulitnya cokelat cenderung hitam, kusam ga jelas, singkatnya kulit dia terpapar sinar matahari sedemikian lebay). Needless to say, akhirnya lahirlah gue yang merupakan campuran berbagai bangsa, yang udah sama sekali ga bule saking campuran Endonesanya udah kebanyakan.

Percayakah lo, bahwa 2 RT yang berada di RW 3 kelurahan Pamoyanan masih terikat tali persaudaraan? Well, I think thats pretty amazing. Seru kan, kalo bisa tinggal deket sama orang yang udah ga asing lagi dalam kehidupan kita? Jadi, menurut cerita nyokap gue, kita semua berakar dari seseorang bernama Masnu,  mungkin dia lahir di abad ke-19, which is akhirnya nama Masnu itu sendiri diabadikan menjadi nama gang (berasa pahlawan) dan nama klub sepakbola kampung gue, MFC alias Masnu Family Club.

Kalo ngomongin masalah keluarga ga asik kan kalo ga ngomongin silsilah? Sebenernya, gue-pun tidak terlalu hapal sama susunan benernya, tapi menurut cerita waktu hujan -bercerita masa lalu selalu menyenangkan saat hujan- yang diceritakan nyokap dikit-dikit gue ngerti lah. Jadi setelah my great great grandfather itu menikah,  sebutlah dengan 'Aisyah' mereka dikaruniai anak bernama Hamid, setelah beranak pinak, anak pinaknya ini kemudian yang menghuni Ciranjang, jadi bisa dibilang kalau keluarga gue adalah penghuni asli daerah terpencil di salah satu sudut kaki gunung Salak. Salah satu anaknya bernama Iyum, saat menginjak usia remaja, kebiasaan yang kolot keluarga serta keadan sulit pada masa penjajahan memaksanya untuk menikah di usia muda dengan seorang lelaki bernama Karta (okay, ini sok tahu ya, gue yakin keduanya menikah purely in the name of love). Needless to say, mereka dikarunia banyak anak (entah karena keduanya terlalu produktif atau karena belum ada KB). Mari kita bahas satu persatu...

Here we go...

1. Djadja
Gue pake ejaan lama deh untuk lebih menekankan kesan senior dalam pendeskripsiannya, haha. Well, Aki Djadja adalah anak pertama pasangan Karta-Iyum, sekaligus anggota paling senior dari keluarga besar Karta yang syukurnya masih eksis di dunia, alias masih diberikan kesempatan hidup dalam keadaan sehat wal afiat. Ki Djadja punya hobi unik, yaitu bikin golek dari pelepah singkong, I guess beliau sebenarnya punya bakat dalam bidang seni mengingat keahlian beliau dalam berpantun juga patut diacungi jempol. Sebagai yang paling senior, ki Djadja hebat banget karena masih mampu jalan-jalan sore sendirian (karena sudah ditinggal sang istri sejak beberapa tahun yang lalu). Mayoritas orang jaman dulu yang punya banyak koleksi anak juga diikuti nih sama kakek dengan 17 cucu ini. Berikut daftar silsilahnya:

a. Kandi (kemungkinan besar namanya sih Sukandi), gue ga tau dia punya berapa anak, tapi setau gue dia sempat menikah 2 kali. Pertama dengan seorang perempuan (yaiyalah) bernama Yayah yang berprofesi sebagai tukang jahit sekaligus aktivis perempuan. Pasangan yang saling mencintai di masa lalu ini kemudian dikarunia 1 orang anak bernama Handi, yang sekaligus juga memberikan gue dua orang keponakan jauh bernama Dina dan kakaknya yang gue ga tau namanya siapa. Selanjutnya, mungkin di pertengahan tahun 1990an, wa Kandi kepincut perempuan dari daerah yang agak jauh dari Pamoyanan bernama Cucu yang memberikannya seorang putera bernama Fani Fadillah atau yang beken disapa Apong.
b. Unknown,